FleetĀ“s - How to send a fleet. - Types of missions. - Reparations after a battle. How to send a fleet {{ :es:sendfleet2.png?direct&100|}} As commander, once you build ships you can send them to different missions like: attack, spy, recycle, colonize, etc. There are 2 ways to command a fleet, the first and most simple is from the galaxy, for example, from the galaxy, pressing the planet of another player you can attack. Then just select the fleet you are going to send and fill in a few more steps. You can also select debris and send the recyclers directly or send spy probes with a click (you can select the number of probes from options). {{:es:sendfleet.png?direct&100 |}} Then we can use the manual mode, for this we will access the fleet screen by pressing the button next to hangar. It consists of the following steps: ** Step 1.** Select the number of ships you are going to send; Also here we can see the bonuses that give us the different investigations that we have developed. ** Step 2.** Here you must put the coordinates of the other planet, the format is the same as [Galaxy: system: planet], next you must select if you send the fleet to the planet, to the moon or to the debris. You can also select the speed at which the fleet will go, at a slower rate of deuterium consumption. Below, you have shortcuts where you can save coordinates to select later and a list of your planets, a click and the coordinates will be saved automatically. {{ :es:send_fleet_coords.png?direct&600 |}} ** Step 3.** Here on the left you must select the mission, ie what you want your ships to do. To the right, the resources that we are going to send, and below, in case you send the fleet in mission "Keep", the amount of hours that will be in the beginning your float in that planet. {{ :es:sin_tituloasas.png?direct&600 |}} The final window will give us a summary of the fleet we have sent, it is usually advisable to check everything after sending a fleet. Types of missions. There are several types of missions, the options vary from what type of ships we send and where we send them. There are the following missions: * ** Attack: ** With this we can command our ships to attack other planets to destroy their ships and get their resources looted. It is advisable to spy before sending our ships. * ** Group Attack: ** (SAC): Through here we can join our fleets with those of our allies to destroy bigger enemies. The button to create a SAC is available after sending a fleet (you have to send the first one the further this one of the participants). {{ :es:sacs.png?direct&300 |}} * ** Transportation: ** This mission is to send our ships on a round trip to any planet, taking resources. * ** Deploy: ** When sending a fleet in deploy mode, the ships will stay on the target planet, this option is only available if the planet is ours * ** Hold: ** In this mission we can send ships to defend the planets of our allies, this mission is only available if the player to whom we send the ships is in our list of friends or in our alliance. {{ :es:spy.png?direct&80|}} * ** Spy: ** Only available when sending spy probes, it will serve to obtain information about the target, to more probes and level of espionage we have, more data will obtain. This mission is available directly from the Galaxy screen. * ** Colonize: ** This mission is only available when sending a colonizer, to be able to colonize, we must send the colonizer to an empty position and before investigating the technology of astrophysics 2 levels per planet. The number of fields we get on the planet to colonize depends on the position where we send it. {{ :es:fields_and_temp.png?direct&300 |}} * ** Recycle: ** We can send recyclers to collect the debris that forms after the great battles, we will be able to see the debris in the window of galaxy. {{ :es:grecis.png?direct&300 |}} * ** Destroy: ** This mission is only available when sending a death star, it serves to destroy moons, although there is a possibility of an accident and destroy the attacking fleet * ** Expedition: ** Only when sending ships to the 16 hole in any galaxy, we will send our ships to investigate the outer space. When you send an inquiry, the following events may occur randomly: 1) Find resources like: Titanium, Graphene and Deuterium. 2) Find Antimateria 3) Find abandoned ships 4) Finding a hostile fleet 5) Losing the entire fleet 6) That nothing happens Repairs after the battle After a battle the defender repairs 70% of the defenses and 30% of the fleet. .