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Well it took time to decide to put together a guide on the progress of an account that is taken from flotero. I can not do another because the truth I have never gotten used to the mines, I see them more as an aid than as the basis of my regular income. Now from these bases I can say that the experience in the universe has allowed me to observe several scenarios within the game. Remember that this is not a guide on how to make the first battle ship or the first destroyer. This is a guide for players who have doubts about developing their fleet, although logically anyone can read and draw their own conclusions.

Well there are 5 things to keep in mind before you start reading this guide.

1. There is no perfect strategy.

2. There are a thousand ways to make fleets, moons, hunt fleets etc, read all.

3. This guide and any guide is exactly that, it is not the bible of growth, let alone my recommendation before you begin is to read it carefully and adapt it to your gameplay.

4. Who is offended because I absolutize my opinions in a guide that I have written, because I invite you to look for thousands of guides.

5. Remember that this Guide is intended for floaters.

The 9 Laws of DARTH IBLIS Assuming that they have been established within the top 350 - 400 thanks to inactive and some common farms is good time to think about how to enter the top 100, to start one has to be very clear what the target, the rest comes by its own weight. So here are some tips that have helped me get into the top of my game life:

1. Have a list of inactive and active targets from which to obtain constant resources

2. Order. We all have occupations, studies, work, etc, but structuring well the time helps in a 50% to optimize the results in AgeOfSpace.

3. Avoid giving information. Never ever answer the mps of the dams or victims, you can never know if we touch a geek that in the past was top1 in univ 2 that can extract information from a MP.

4. Do not underestimate the opposite.

5. Never seek to embrace everything at once. Emphasize the biggest problem and leave from there.

6. If you play espionage with a bunker 2 times greater than what you can handle with 999999 million resources, go to the next one. You waste time drooling over an impossible, time when you could be attacking an easy prey of 1Millon of resources.

7. Remember that AgeOfspace is a Game

8. ALWAYS do FleetSaving.


Source of standard revenue in any navy that seeks to be flotilla. Consume inactive does not generate more problem, unless they win the game another predator loose there. First, the best strategy to consume inactive is to look for those who do not have defenses, that improves the time, as the female freighters arrive faster steal and return maximum flight time should be from 2h to 3h. It is more than important to maintain a high computation to cover more number of objectives, the idea is to have as many fleets occupied as long as possible, this can be done if we have a good rhythm and order of our time, it is all about to be organized. Secondly a very serious mistake committed by many people is to consume inactive people in one single colony. THAT IS WRONG. The strategy should be as follows. Have about 150-200 small freighters (This number can vary according to how the universe advances) per colony and in each colony consume inactive of more than a certain amount of Resources, according to their needs and not less than that (100k). With this they will have a constant income and can ensure the growth of their fleet.

Third it is important to look at the top of their victims, inactive whose classification is within the highest two thirds of the total players is not worth 1 probe. They spend time, someone will say but “maybe” have something. Well I said before do not try to hoard everything, go to safety, that way of thinking is understandable if all day have not had luck xD, but otherwise it is better to optimize time.

Fourth the positioning of their colonies will ensure that they can reach in less time inactive but this will explain in detail in Colonization.

All, absolutely all use their squadrons, some more and some less, some attack without stopping, they stop at nothing, spy at the beginning of the day and then attack and attack and attack. Others spy, attack, wait for all attacks to return and spy and attack again. But everyone uses all their squadrons without stopping, A STOPPED SCULPTURE IS LOST RESOURCES. If by chance you just attack everything around you or you just can not stand spying or a planet but do not let your squadrons stand, collect, you would be surprised to know the gifts that you sometimes find flying around, but never leave your squadrons unemployed.


In the first place any account that aspires to be top being flotero must have a well structured expansion of planets. As everyone already knows astrophysics represents a barrier to those who were used to plant 9 planets and even more to those who used method 7-2 (7fijas and 2 moviles). Try as far as possible to find areas where they can grow comfortably, where prey dens are higher than you, investigate 30 systems of the position where they plan to colonize is not difficult, we also have a good Galaxy. If the Top 20 is close, first to see your fleet top a top 20 without fleets is the same as a B2 bomber without a pilot, if on the contrary it is a top 40 and see the top fleets and this top 14 very carefully resume the search , Having a battlefield perspective ensures victory if there are obvious dangers it is better to look elsewhere.

The positioning of these according to what I have explained should be around posicon 100 or position 300. Because if they make 2 colonies in any G in these positions it is much easier to cover more areas of the same galaxy. The position 100 porq the G will be filled from left to right and posicon 300 to cover those who are coming later and it is also better to be close to the middle of G. Those who seek to be in positions 400-499 generally will be miners Who adore the life of the bunker. And the idea is to look for prey that can help us grow not to look for the most difficult prey that will make us consume more resources.

Once you found a place to plant ensure the stable growth of your colony, bring the mines to 14 12 11 is not a big deal, hangar at 8 and robots at 8 also so go calmly do not get excited and take all your resources to the New colony in order to make points, the scorer of the score is not going to settle in their mines but in the fleet they carry.

Production in a colony IS A HELP NOTHING BUT, it is not a good system to get abundant resources, it is a minimal aid in which you do not have to spend squadrons to move your resources to other planets. Do not spend resources on making DEFENSES THAT DO NOT SERVE, make only a handful of defenses to avoid small looting. The colonies are only to put the titanium mines 2 levels above those of graphene and the hangar to level 8-9. In this way it produces twice as much titanium as graphene and when you assemble 45,000 of titanium build a battle ship or put the titanium 5 levels above those of graphene and produce triple for light. For that alone mines serve to make 2,3 or 4 battle ships a day, depending on the level of the mines.


There are plenty of guides where it is recommended to make the “main” in a position other than the actual principal. In general I have adapted this concept as I move the fleet, At some point in my history in the universe I used the main one of my colonies in g6 then return to g5 and established my headquarters there and then return to the main royal And now is the most developed planet and in the future maybe go to g4 and settle there … in summary what I try to show is that the concept of main is anchored to the movement and establishment of its fleet in an area. Do not see everything in a static, accustomed way to see everything in a dynamic way, as your needs to increase fleet growth and other will increase and stay forever in one place is never positive.


Important notes:

- We already know most of the ways in which a Fleet is visible REVIEW, and do not test with your fleets. I do not want anyone to tell me “I'm so cool that I'm going to send the entire fleet to the expedition to see if I get an EDLM” to which I say that I put it myself Wink.

- ALWAYS do FleetSaving.

- IF YOU DO NOT HAVE LUNA, make fleet to deploy 10% to the nearest planet (to take a sample schedule) at around 00:00 and CANCEL at 6-7am which at 12 noon already have fleets available.

- DO NOT send long fleets Freighters + spy probes, because these fleets need to be on hand to loot inactive.

-WILL ALWAYS do FleetSaving.

- NEVER leave stopped resources if they know they are going to be offline for good weather

- IF they have USENLA moon for fleets.

-WILL ALWAYS do FleetSaving.


I have learned over several years that it is crucial to know the enemy you face and there are already profiles that can help you understand another player's behavior. I leave some names that will make it easier to see this. Beyond the funny thing makes a lot of sense, it's a listing of an old univ 6 guide but there are things in AgeOfSpace that will never really change. Here it goes:

The AgeOfSpace Universe resembles a marine pond where we have:

0.- PLACTON MARINE: is denominated thus inactive players, easy prey for the rest of players. It is recommended to collect them with small freighters (raise IMPULSE ENGINE) .Before breaking their defenses.

1.- TURTLES: only bother to produce and make defenses. They rarely attack. It is a mistake to be a turtle, they have no chance of growth, they are only shells that once empty leave the game, stones that never rise in the ranking.

2.- WHALES: do not confuse them with turtles. Whales are permanently eating plactons and fattening their defenses. They engage in trade and up mines and defenses, and have a mini fleet to attack fishes and a fleet of freighters to pick up the marine placton. A whale can be visited once every 12 or 24 hours that are very solid attacks, do not need to be in continuous supervision, ideal for players who do not have as much time as they want for this game. When a whale has half the points that the player TOP1 of their universe has to Begin to make light fighters + cruises to become Orca, it is time to do massively floats and attack targets as if it were a shark but without doing FS. Some whales for security reasons prefer to do FS as long as they do not become Orcas. Defense is essential and supported by cruisers to kill enemy fighters, it becomes devastating.

3.- PIRAÑAS: are very small and annoying players that attack everything that moves looking for sharks. Sometimes they join to launch missiles against a whale but if the whale has a technology level of armor 15 or higher And missile silo level 7 minimum do not have to fear anything from these piranhas. The piranhas will devour each other and when they grow a little they can become sharks. They have very few or no defenses.

4.- SHARKS: are Piranhas that have grown and now have powerful fleets (usually the typical fleets of battle ships for their profitability in attacking piranhas with light fighters). Sharks eat piranhas and sometimes other sharks Only if you see it very clear. Usually they are permanently doing FS (= FLEET SAVE) but in the end they are recycled in the returns, all FS with Phalanx can be caught finally to the passage of time or by an oversight. They need to be several hours a day watching their shark. They need to feed abundantly to recover fleet and that requires many hours ahead of the game and many daily attacks. They are always afraid that a superior shark will recycle them. They waste tremendous amounts of deuterium in FS and in attacks , Many times the hunting for deuterium is not profitable.

5 .- BARRACUDA or GREAT WHITE TIBURON: are great sharks, live in the top100 and usually make the GRAVITON to have the EDLM they use to slow the FS and thus spend very little deuterium. They are traveling between their moons, have very high technologies and do not usually invest in defenses, all to fleet. The wisest barracudas have a minimum of 1000 bombers to kill whales, they know very well that they should not let whales grow. While there are other barracudas that are in lethargy only to enter and do FS waiting for a great victim. They are feudal lords in their alliances and helped by the phalanx themselves and their alliance are deadly animals whose only vision of the game is to make fleets Bigger and huge and so be top1.

*Fs=FleetSaving The goal of placing this is to see and recognize the types of game that there are generally, not that we are going to start getting aquarium name ^^.


Tracking a prey has many variants. There are thousands of methods for this here mentioned a few q can help improve this.

Before reminding them that none of these methods “is completely safe”, that is, it is possible to believe that a person is not connected and can be a stratagem of yours or that he has more free time than you believed, but generally will help you to obtain information.

Source: Gathered of methods posted in old forums.

Basics: If a player connects to AgeOfSpace, an asterisk will appear on their main planet, and if there is any flotilla movement on a planet, an asterisk will also appear. At 15 minutes that asterisk will mark the minutes, until a maximum time of 60 minutes, where it will disappear, if there is again movement on that planet, the countdown will begin again and the asterisk will appear again counting the minutes from 0 again. Remember also that LA MOON also generates activity (thing of the new version).

2- Cleaning of asterisks: Every day at 3 am Spanish time there is a reset of the Server that clears all the asterisks and minutes that have

3- On / Off: Go to the galaxy place the name to see all the planets of the dam and check the activity. Of course if you are watching at the time of reset simply look at the main planet. If they do so, then review activity in all their colonies.

1st method - Double spying or calculating minutes

It consists of quickly spying on the victim and one of his own system (recommended) or another, 5 seconds maximum, then after launching the attack, after 20 minutes have passed. Go to the system updating and see if it is still coordinated well. Or count if the minutes that appear on the target planet are the same as the time that has passed since you released the probe If it is not coordinated or has not happened the same time, means that a fleet has moved on the planet of your target or that it has connected. Generally if you see that the minutes do not match, the attack is canceled because it is possible that the target is connected.n on the target planet are the same as the time that has passed since you launched the sondf

2nd method - Ships comparison:

Spy once and spy to see if it has the same ships, if you have removed the ships means that the now is connected, but could not get the fleet. And probably, if you do this at different times of the day, you will see what time the fleet takes out and which will not and will be able to sketch a schedule of the hours that it connects.

3rd Method - Planetary Surveillance of Resources

If you want to make a connection timetable for someone, watch it every half hour for example, then calculate the resources you should earn every half hour, when you see that your resources every half hour do not match those you should have enrolled in a Leaf that in the time of that half hour connects. That way you'll know when you can attack him. You can make the periods more comfortable and long for an hour, but they will also be less accurate, or you can make them 15 minutes, even more accurate but much more expensive. If you want to do it completely well it would be advisable to do this in all your colonies that you know and go pointing the results in an Excel sheet.

4th method - Phalanxazo / s

Just give him a Phalanxazo (if you have Phalanx clear) to all his planets that you can to see if he moves something. . Seek to prioritize objectives that have a good score in fleets. If you are doing short transports and looting to people in the area, you are most likely connected. You can opt for phalanxearlo every 15 or 30 to see when you start fleet movements and find out what time you can be online

5th Method - Message, Social Engineering

You send him a message saying “hello, I know you're ON” and sometimes people sting and tell you. You can try with your words and having social engineering talk to him or send him some type of message to answer and you know that he is connected. To avoid this, never respond to the messages they send you, and if you do, do so when you carry at least an hour and a half connection. So he sends you a message at 5 pm and you respond at 6:30, he will believe that you always connect at 6.30 and you will already be deceived, and if he ever attacked you, not only would you know that he At 5 o'clock it's connected (you should point it out) but if he relies on that message to know your connection, he'll have an hour and a half of error, enough time to dodge his ships.l cre send, and if you do, do it When yeves at least an hour and a half of conexion.nectado in that same moment.tando the rsi he sends you unmensage to 5 of the, or even stamping them.

6th method - The official forum

Often people fall into the gravisimo error of registering in the official forum or others with the same nick as in Ageofspace.

Fleeters Notes:

- Attack always at night: if you want to spy planets for “active farms”, do it at night. If you do it by day you will be warning that you have it in sight. Observe schedules according to nationality as setter.

- Do not believe that because someone says “pussy” is Spanish: I'm from Chile and I often use Spanish idioms to confuse those who want to attack me (I've even used them in this forum and the official one)

- Do not wait too long to be a miner: I learned it by playing in the uni18 ….. the big mines cost too much to compensate what you could do with an immense fleet with those same resources. AgeOfSpace is designed to be flotero, not mining so it is good to think about changing passivity by activity.

guia_fleet.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/07 19:30 (external edit)